Netflix’s animated series adaptation of Leviathan, Scott Westerfeld’s excellent middle-grade series full of whale zeppelins and steampunk armies, is still a ways off; the new teaser says only “Coming 2025.” But what a strange teaser it is. For just shy of two minutes, the world of Leviathan is introduced wordlessly, with an increasingly dramatic score the only sounds to be heard.
Dialogue-free trailers are often a bad sign, though of course there are exceptions. And we’re so far out from this movie’s release that I’m willing to cut it a little slack. But still: the vibes are a little off. The mood is weird. Leviathan is serious, sure, in that any story set during a war is serious, but it’s also an adventure set in a creatively invented world. This goes straight from a sort of over-familar heartstring-tugging into war and explosions and grandiose swooping strains with an epic choir. It is hard to know what to make of it.
But it looks pretty neat? I cannot deny that I got goosebumps seeing the big flying whales. Leviathan comes from Orange, the animation studio behind Beastars, and is the directorial debut of Christophe Ferreira. Netflix’s very brief summary says only, “In 1914, on the eve of war, a fugitive prince and a girl in disguise meet aboard a bioengineered airship, the HMS Leviathan, and change the course of history.” The book summary offers a little more detail:
Presumably, we’ll get a full trailer for Leviathan before its 2025 release. In the meantime, another Westerfeld adaptation, the movie of Uglies, is coming to Netflix later this week.